Mental-Darkcore Sound Producer
Industrial, Traumacore, Darkcore, Doomcore, Gothic, Goth, Noizecore, Sadcore, Weirdcore, Melancholic
neawolf (track) - Deutsch - German -
neawolf (track) - Der Engel -
 (album) - Dunkle Melodien der Qualen -
 (album) - Brutale Qualen -


93 Tracks

track ... Sven Neawolf ... Deine Narben
Playtime [07:30] ... Terror,dark,industrial
Album: Tränen Aus Blut
Deine Narben
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Sein Schatten an deiner Seite
Playtime [06:05] ... Ambiente,downtempo,vocal
Album: Tränen Aus Blut
Sein Schatten An Deiner Seite
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Ich liebe dein Lächeln
Playtime [06:43] ... Noize,industrial,vocal
Album: Tränen Aus Blut
Ich Liebe Dein Lächeln
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Sad Girl
Playtime [05:50] ... Terror,dark,industrial
Album: Dunkle Herzen
Sad Girl
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Eisige Zeit
Playtime [04:43] ... Dark,industrial,vocal
Album: Eiskalt
Eisige Zeit
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Schatten der Qual
Playtime [04:40] ... Techno,electronic,vocal
Album: Eiskalt
Schatten Der Qual
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Für immer wir
Playtime [07:28] ... Dark,ambient,vocal
Album: Eiskalt
Für Immer Wir
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Hardcore Glatzen - stampft!
Playtime [05:54] ... Terror,industrial,hardcore
Album: W/o
Hardcore Glatzen - Stampft!
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Re-Noizer
Playtime [08:11] ... Terror,industrial,speedcore
Album: W/o
Hardcore Glatzen (Speed Up 186 BPM)
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Re-Noizer
Playtime [10:53] ... Terror,industrial,hardtechno
Album: W/o
Hardcore Glatzen
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Ich werde dich finden
Playtime [04:25] ... Vocal,dark,industrial
Album: Eiskalt
Ich Werde Dich Finden
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track ... Sven Neawolf ... Du hast geliebt
Playtime [07:46] ... Vocal,dark,industrial
Album: Eiskalt
Du Hast Geliebt
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Streaming (Follow me)

Listen to Sven Neawolf's music on your favorite streaming services. The German musician Sven Neawolf is known for his unique blend of sad, melancholy, techno, darkcore and doomcore. You can enjoy Sven Neawolf's music on all major streaming platforms, including Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, and YouTube.

(c) 2024 Neawolf Records - LC 101196 ; All Rights Reserved
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